Why is the food supplement I ordered considered to be a medicine?
The classification of products as medicines varies in different countries. A product can be sold as a food supplement in some countries and as medicine in others. In Finland, the Finnish Medicines Agency Fimea decides whether a substance or a product is a medicine or not based on the Medicines Act. The classification is based on the product composition and assessment of the indications. A product can be a prescription drug, an over-the-counter drug or an illicit drug, as defined in international treaties.
Before placing an order, the person placing the order must find out if the product is legal in Finland or not. Fimea provides daily guidance to private persons on the classification of products and ensuring the legality of product orders.
The Customs monitors compliance with import restrictions. Unlawful importation may have legal consequences.
One recent example of classification as a medicine is associated with a substance called cannabidiol (CBD). Cannabidiol is found in hemp, and it is classified as a medicine in Finland. In Finland, any product that contains CBD is equivalent to a prescription drug. The deciding factor is the exact composition of the product.
More information about classification as medicine can be found on Fimea’s website.