Obligatory storing of medicines
The purpose of the Act and Decree on the Obligatory storing of medicines is to ensure the availability of and the possibility to use medicines in circumstances in which such availability is restricted or suspended as a result of supply disruptions, a serious crisis or other equivalent reason.
Pharmaceutical factories, importers of pharmaceuticals, health care units and the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare have a statutory obligation to maintain a pharmaceutical store for emergency conditions. For example, pharmaceutical factories and importers may use this warehouse only on specific grounds, for example in case of supply shortages and only with the permission of Fimea or the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.
The medicines to be stored are determined on the basis of both the Act and the Government Decree on the obligation to store medicines. Implementing any changes to the pharmaceuticals or groups of pharmaceuticals to be stored will therefore require a change in legislation. Fimea annually confirms the preparations to be included in the mandatory reserve supplies item by item.