Forms: sivun alkuteksti
Fimea forms can be found here and are organised by topic. Some of the forms can be completed electronically and printed, others are available for printing only.
Forms: Marketing authorisation application and notification forms
Application forms for marketing authorisation, marketing authorisation variation and marketing authorisation renewal are available from the European Commission website: Application for marketing authorisation for medicinal products. Part IA / Common technical document (CTD) module 1.2
Medicinal products for human use (hum)
Medicinal products for veterinary use (vet)
Homeopathic remedies (hum)
Marketing authorisation – application for variation (hum & vet) (hum & vet) (Application form for variation to a marketing authorisation)
Marketing authorisation – application for renewal (hum & vet) (hum & vet) (Application form for renewal of a marketing authorisation)
Marketing authorisation – parallel importing (pdf)
Marketing authorisation – parallel importing (doc)
MRP RMS request form (doc)
Application Form for an Exemption (hum, vet) (pdf)
Forms: Sunset clause
Forms: Medicinal products for human use
Special permission application for compassionate use (pdf)
Special permission application for compassionate use (doc)
Adverse drug reaction (ADR) notification (pdf)
Certification to carry drugs and/or psychotropic substances for treatment purposes – Schengen Implementing Convention – Article 75 (pdf)
Certification to carry drugs and/or psychotropic substances for treatment purposes – Schengen Implementing Convention – Article 75 (doc)
Certificate of a Pharmaceutical Product - export (pdf)
Defective product notification (doc)
Contact person notification (doc)
Forms: Veterinary medicines
Adverse drug reaction (ADR) report – veterinary medicines (pdf)
Adverse drug reaction (ADR) report – veterinary medicines (doc)
Special permission application for compassionate use, (veterinary medicines) (pdf)
Special permission application for compassionate use, (veterinary medicines) (doc)
Advance notification of clinical trial on veterinary medicinal products (pdf)
Advance notification of clinical trial on veterinary medicinal products (doc)
Certificate of a Pharmaceutical Product - export (pdf)
Forms: Narcotics
Self-certification templates – authorisation for the import, export, manufacturing and handling of narcotic substances:
Appendix 1: Self-certification for persons set out in Section 11, paragraph 1, clause 2 of the Narcotics Act (373/2008) (FI) (pdf)
Appendix 2: Self-certification for persons regularly applying for authorisation for the import, export, manufacturing and handling of narcotic substances (FI) (pdf)
Appendix 3: Self-certification for persons responsible and their substitutes set out under Section 16 of the Narcotics Act (373/2008) (FI) (pdf)