Medicines Barometer
Medicines Barometer is a survey aimed at the population to investigate Finns' views and experiences regarding medicines. The population survey is conducted every two years. The content of the survey consists of modules addressing current themes in medical care, as described in the variable book (see below). The results of the survey can be used to develop pharmaceutical services and promote rational use of medicines. The survey is conducted and the results reported by Fimea.
Use of data
The data from the years 2015 and 2017 are only available for scientific research. The purpose of scientific research is considered demonstrated when the data permit application describes the lead researcher's sufficient scientific competence (at least a doctoral degree) and a plan to publish the results in a peer-reviewed journal. The Medicines Barometer data can be provided, for example, for a master's thesis only if the applicant is the supervisor with sufficient scientific competence, and the purpose is to publish the results in a peer-reviewed journal (so-called article thesis).
The data from the Medicines Barometer from 2019 onwards can be applied for, in addition to scientific research, for development and innovation activities, education, as well as planning and investigation tasks.
Instructions for applying for data
You can apply for data by completing the data permit application and attaching a research/data plan, privacy notice, data utilisation plan, and confidentiality agreements from the researchers and other individuals handling the data mentioned in the data permit application. The data permit is applied for using the form available on Fimea's Data access authorisations webpage. Templates for other attachments can also be found on the same webpage. The signed data permit application form with attachments should be sent to Fimea's registry at the email address kirjaamo(@)
Fimea evaluates the data permit applications on a case-by-case basis and a contract is made regarding the use. It is advisable to allow at least one month for the processing of the application and the contract process. There is no fee for the data permit and the provision of data from the Medicines Barometer. A decision to extend or review a previously granted permit or adding a member to a research group costs 55 euros (Fimea's fee regulation (in Finnish),
Read more:
Variable Book of the Medicine Barometer (pdf,, in Finnish, abstract in English)