Instructions for the safe use of medicines
Fimea has prepared materials for medicine users on the safe use of medicines in cooperation with the National Medicines Information Network. The Instructions for the safe use of medicines guide described below along its summaries are in open distribution in both electronic and printable formats.
Instructions for the safe use of medicines -guide
The Instructions for the safe use of medicines guide is an easy-to-read guide for regular people on how to use medicines safely and how to use pharmacy services.
The first part of the guide provides concrete instructions on topics such as medicine dosages, monitoring the success of medicinal treatment, and reliable sources of medicines information. The second part of the guide describes things like how medicines are reimbursed, what is an out-of-pocket maximum or generic substitution and how you can act on behalf of another person at a pharmacy.
Instructions for the safe use of medicines guide (pdf)
Guide summaries and their language versions
Three summaries of the guide have been prepared and translated into several languages. Translations: Lingsoft Language Services Oy 2022
The summary “Reimbursements for medicines and using pharmacy services” is intended for persons who have a Finnish personal identity code and are therefore entitled to reimbursements for medicines in Finland. The summary “Buying medicines in Finland” describes buying medicines in Finland for persons without a Finnish personal identity code, such as refugees and asylum seekers.