Textfile for databases
The Finnish Medicines Agency is compiling a list of substitutable medicinal products as individual products. Substitutable medicines are those with the same substitution group.
The Finnish Medicines Agency expresses no opinion on substitutability in relation to differences in the pack sizes of medicinal products with the same substitution group. The file does not include packages that have a marketing authorisation but no Nordic commodity number (VNR) number. This means that there might not be a match for each package, e.g. if only one of the two substitutable medicinal products is available.
In the database, the substitution group is in text format. The length of the column is six (6) characters, although the currently used codes only have four (4) characters.
Substitutable medicinal products are numbered consecutively. During a review of the list, some of the medicines were removed because their marketing authorisation had been revoked or because the product had been removed from the list. There might therefore be gaps in the numbering. Once used, a substitution group will not be re-introduced after it has been deleted.
File format
The file is sequential text file in which text fields are separated by a semi-colon. The first line is header line. The file is a text file using ISO 8859-1 charset.
The data content and field lengths of the list to be saved in the database are as follows:
Column | Type and maximum length in source system | Necessity | Field comment |
SUBSTITUUTIORYHMA | VARCHAR2(6) | NULL | Substitution group number. |
VNRNRO | VARCHAR2(6) | NULL | Nordic -commodity number. Pack identification number. |
PAKKAUSKOKO | VARCHAR2(20) | NOT NULL | Pack size (e.g. 30). Pack size description in text format. |
LAAKENIMI | VARCHAR2(64) | NOT NULL | Trade name of the medicinal product. |
VAHVUUS | VARCHAR2(40) | NOT NULL | The strength of the medicinal product indicates the amount or concentration of the active agent in the product. Strength is in text format (amount and unit in the same field) |
LAAKEMUOTONIMI | VARCHAR2(75) | NOT NULL | Pharmaceutical form in Finnish Pharmaceutical forms are expressed as long pharmaceutical form names as presented in Standard Terms approved by the European Pharmacopoeia Commission. |
HALTIJA | VARCHAR2(61) | NOT NULL | Marketing authorization holder’s name. |
ATCKOODI | VARCHAR2(8) | NOT NULL | Anatomic Therapeutic Chemical Code. |
SELITES | VARCHAR2(100) | NOT NULL | Explanation of the ATC code in Finnish indicating the name of the active substance or active substance group.
- Downloadable file for period 1.1. -31.3.2025 (14.11.2024, updated 25.11.2024)
- Downloadable file for period 1.10. - 31.12.2024 (16.8.2024, updated 26.8.2024)
- Downloadable file for period 1.7. - 30.6.2024 (16.5.2024, updated 24.5.2024)
- Downloadable file for period 1.4. - 30.6.2024 (15.2.2024, updated 23.2.2024)
- Downloadable file for period 1.1. - 31.3.2024 (16.11.2023, updated 24.11.2023)
- Downloadable file for period 1.10. - 31.12.2023 (16.8.2023, updated 24.8.2023)
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- Downloadable file for period 1.4. - 30.6.2023 (13.2.2023, updated 22.2.2023)
- Downloadable file for period 1.1. - 31.3.2023 (16.11.2022, updated 28.11.2022, 5.12.2022)
- Downloadable file for period 1.10. - 31.12.2022 (16.8.2022, updated 24.8.2022)
- Downloadable file for period 1.7. -30.9.2022 (16.5.2022, updated 24.5.2022)
- Downloadable file for period 1.4. - 30.4.2022 (14.2.2022, updated 22.2.2022)
- Downloadable file for period 1.1. -31.3.2022 (16.11.2022, updated 24.11.2021)
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- Downloadable file for period 1.1. - 31.3.2021 (16.11.2020, updated 25.11.2020)
- Downloadable file for period 1.10. - 31.12.2020 (14.8.2020, updated 24.8.2020, 25.8.2020)
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- Downloadable file for period 1.1. - 31.3.2020 (15.11.2019, updated 25.11.2019)
- Downloadable file for period 1.10. - 31.12.2019 (15.8.2019, updated 26.8.2019)
- Downloadable file for period 1.7. - 30.9.2019 (15.5.2019, updated 23.8.2019)
- Downloadable file for period 1.4. - 30.6.2019 (14.2.2019, updated 22.2.2019, 25.2.2019)
- Downloadable file for period 1.1. - 31.3.2019 (15.11.2018, updated 26.11.2018)
- Downloadable file for period 1.10. - 31.12.2018 (16.8.2018, updated 24.8.2018)
- Downloadable file for period 1.7. - 30.9.2018 (15.5.2018, updated 24.5.2018 and 25.5.2018)
- Downloadable file for period 1.4. - 30.6.2018 (13.2.2018, updated 22.2.2018)
- Downloadable file for period 1.1. - 31.3.2018 (updated 24.11.2017)
- Downloadable file for period 1.10. - 31.12.2017 (16.8.2017, updated 24.8.2017)
- Downloadable file for period 1.7. - 30.9.2017 (16.5.2017, updated 24.5.2017)
- Downloadable file for period 1.4. - 30.6.2017 (14.2.2017, updated 22.2.2017)
- Downloadable file for period 1.1.- 31.3.2017 (16.11.2016, updated 24.11.2016)
- Downloadable file for period 1.10. - 31.12.2016 (16.8.2016, updated 24.8.2016)
- Downloadable file for period 1.7.–30.9.2014 (updated 26.5.2014)
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- Downloadable file for period 1.4.–30.6.2013 (updated 22.2.2013)
- Downloadable file for period 1.1.–31.3.2013 (updated 26.11.2012)
- Downloadable file for period 1.10.–31.12.2012 (updated 24.8.2012)
- Downloadable file for period 1.7.–30.9.2012 (updated 25.5.2012)
- Downloadable file for period 1.4.–30.6.2012 (updated 23.2.2012)
- Downloadable file for period 1.1.–31.3.2012 (updated 24.11.2011)
- Downloadable file for period 1.10.–31.12.2011 (updated 24.8.2011)
- Downloadable file for period 1.7.–30.9.2011 (updated 24.5.2011)
- Downloadable file for period 1.1.–31.3.2010 (13.11.2009, updated 25.11.2009)
- Downloadable file for period 1.10.–31.12.2009 (14.8.2009, updated 24.8.2009)
- Downloadable file for period 1.7.–30.9.2009 (15.5.2009, updated 25.5.2009)
- Downloadable file for period 1.1.–31.3.2009 (356 kb) (26.11.2008, updated 12.12. and 19.12.2008)
- Downloadable file for period 1.10.–31.12.2008 (346 kb) (28.8.2008)
- Downloadable file for period 1.7.–30.9.2008 (346 kb) (28.5.2008, updated 11.6.2008)
- Downloadable file for period 1.4.–30.6.2008 (345 kb) (15.2.2008)
- Downloadable file for period 1.1.–31.3.2008 (360 kb) (26.11.2007)
- Downloadable file for period 1.10.–31.12.2007 (367 kb) (28.8.2007)