List of special permits for veterinary medicinal products

List of special permits for veterinary medicinal products

The Finnish market for veterinary medicines is small and authorised veterinary medicines are not available in Finland in every case for the treatment of all domestic animal diseases. According to the cascade rules in the veterinary regulation (EU) 2019/6 a veterinarian (working in Finland) should use veterinary medicinal products authorised in Finland as a first choice and authorised in the EU as a second choice. A special permit for compassionate use is always required if a veterinary medicinal product is not marketed in Finland. Veterinary medicinal products for which a special permit has been granted are listed under List of veterinary medicinal products requiring a special permit (excel, in Finnish).

Fimea may grant a special permit for compassionate use for the treatment of a single animal or for the treatment of a group of animals.

In particular circumstances Fimea may also, without a separate application, issue a fixed-term special permit for a medicinal product, on the basis of which the product may be released for consumption even if it does not have a marketing authorisation in Finland (Medicines Act 21 f §, Medicines Decree10 f §). These products are listed under Temporary special permits for veterinary medicinal products (pdf, in Finnish and in Swedish).