A biobank refers to a collection of samples which are of human origin, are stored for biomedical research purposes, and include information on the donor’s state of health in order to assist research. In Finland, biobank activities are regulated by the Biobank Act (688/2012), which entered into force on 1 September 2013.
Together with clinical background data, diagnostic samples provide opportunities for extensive scientific research aimed at either promoting health, understanding mechanisms behind diseases disease mechanisms or developing medicines and treatment practices.
In Finland, a biobank may be established by a private or public juristic person who has the financial and operational resources and the legal and research prerequisites for the maintenance of a biobank and the processing of samples. A biobank must also meet the other requirements laid down in the Act. The establishment of a biobank requires that the project has received a positive statement from the National Committee on Medical Research Ethics (TUKIJA).
Further information
biopankkivalvonta (a)
Nummi Maaret, Senior Inspector, tel. +358295223282