List of medicines
Decision on the medicinal products list
In compliance with section 83 of the Medicines Act (395/87), Fimea has prepared a medicinal products list as reference for substances regarded as medicines. The list is not exhaustive. In accordance with section 1 of the decision on the medicinal products list, Appendices 1 and 2 list the substances and herbal remedies in medical use in Finland.
Appendix 1 A lists prohormones and analogues of medicinal substances. Products containing these substances are equivalent to prescription-only medicines.
Under section 2 of the decision, medicines include the substances listed in Appendix 1 and their salts and esters. Under section 3 of the decision, the herbal remedies mentioned in Appendix 2 constitute medicines as far as they are used in compliance with section 3 of the Medicines Act.
The decision on the medicinal products list (183/2022) entered into force on 1 April 2022.
At the same time, the validity of the previous decision of the Finnish Medicines Agency on the medicinal products list (415/2019) expired.
Additional information:
The medicinal products list does not comment on the conditions of supplying medicinal substances. To ensure the legality of importing or ordering a product, it is essential to investigate its supply restrictions in Finland. This means that the party ordering a product must make sure beforehand whether the substance/product is classified in Finland as an OTC product, prescription drug, PKV medicine, narcotic, or a psychoactive substance prohibited on the consumer market. You can find more detailed information on the supply restrictions of medicinal products in the lists published on the Fimea website:
Sales packages of OTC products with marketing authorisations (Up-to-date information is available in the FimeaWeb medicine search by checking the ‘Over-the-counter products’ box.)
List of PKV medicinal products (pdf)
List of psychoactive substances prohibited on the consumer market.
In the section on travellers’ medicines, you can find information on the norms of importing medicinal products for personal use.
Updated 15.6.2023