Where can I find reliable information about medicines?
Information is available in several sources:
From health care professionals and pharmacies
The package leaflet inside the medicine package and the package itself. Package leaflets are also available online in electronic format, in the FimeaWeb service, for example.
Various telephone services:
University Pharmacy’s pharmaceutical advice and customer service, tel. +358 (0)300 20200 open 24/7 (EUR 0.85 per minute + local network charge/mobile call charge 24/7)
Teratology Information Service (information about the use of medicines during pregnancy), tel. +358 (0)9 4717 6500, open from Monday to Friday at 9 a.m. –12 noon (local network charge/mobile call charge)
Poison Information Center (suspected medicinal poisonings) +358 (0)9 471 977 open 24/7 (local network charge/mobile call charge)
Online. When looking for information online, it is recommended to assess the reliability of the information, for example with the DARTS checklist.
What should I do if I get conflicting information about the medicine I am taking?
Sometimes information from different sources can be conflicting. There can be several explanations. A doctor might base their advice on clinical experience, in addition to information available in different sources. Pharmacists base their advice on information from various sources about the medicinal product. Package leaflets list all possible adverse effects reported during the development or marketing of the drug, even though it is not known if they were caused by the illness or the drug. Not everybody gets adverse effects.
If you get conflicting information about your medicine and have any doubts, ask your doctor or a pharmacist for advice. Usually, the differences are explained by the background of information sources.
Different sources for medicines information
Apteekki.fi: advice on self-care, information about the prices of medicines and pharmacy services and a template for a list of medicines (in Finnish). Maintained by: The Association of Finnish Pharmacies
For public website, which contains information about the appropriate use of medicines. Maintained by: Fimea
Current Care Guidelines for patients Maintained by: the Finnish Medical Society Duodecim
FimeaWeb where you can search for package leaflets. You can also check if a medicine is suitable for the elderly and find information about possible shortages in the supply.
Kela’s Medicinal Products Database where you can search for information about prices and reimbursement. Maintained by: Kela
The Medicines Education Portal includes basic information on medicines. Maintained by: Fimea
A drug guide in the Terveyskirjasto health library contains information about medicinal products (in Finnish). Maintained by: Pharmaceutical Information Centre
The Terveyskirjasto health library contains information about treatment and medicinal treatment (in Finnish). Maintained by: the Finnish Medical Society Duodecim
Lääketalo (House of medicine) in the Health Village service contains information about medication, the appropriate use of medicines and problem situations (in Finnish). Maintained by: Finnish university hospital districts
Information about drug reimbursements Maintained by: Kela
Facebook site: Tunne lääkkeesi (Know your medicines) distributes drug information (in Finnish). Maintained by: National Medicines Information Network