National Medicines Information Network

Medicines Information Network

The national Medicines Information Network (or the Medicines Information Network) produces and shares reliable medicines information, promotes cooperation between different actors in the pharmaceutical sector, and brings the representatives of medicine users into joint discussions to share their daily experiences of medicines information.

The Medicines Information Network is led by Fimea, supported by a coordination group set up by Fimea. The Medicines Information Network was established in 2012 and renewed for the period 2021-2026. The network bases its activities on the updated National Medicines Information Strategy titled The Medicine User at the Centre of Medicines Information – National Medicines Information Strategy 2021–2026 (Julkari, in Finnish, Abstract in English).

The Medicines Information Network has the following working groups that base their work on the goals of the National Medicines Information Strategy:

Working groups

Activities of the Medicines Information Network

The working groups of the Medicines Information Network have three-year terms to implement the medicines information strategy through development measures. The medicines information network has cooperated to produce materials for medicine users and social welfare and health care professionals (Fimea).

Activities of the network are also shared in Innokylä (in Finnish) where documents such as the memoranda of working group meetings and action plans are available. The activities of the Medicines Information Network also include regular theme days and events:

Theme days and events

Network communications

The work of the Medicines Information Network is open and public.

National Medicines Information Network in Innokylä (in Finnish) with documents such as the memoranda of working group meetings and action plans (in Finnish).

The network uses the Know your medicines page on Facebook to share reliable information on medicines to medicine users.

Subscribe to the Medicines Information Network newsletter (the form is in Finnish).

Fimea’s YouTube channel (includes recordings of Medicines Information Forums)

Lääkeinformaatioverkosto (lisätietojen antaja), en

Ask more

Päivi Kiviranta, Development Specialist, tel. +358 29 522 3522
E-mail addresses follow the form [email protected]