What medicines can I bring abroad?
Several countries restrict the import of medicines. The amount you can bring may be limited and you may be prohibited from bringing certain medicines. You may be required to have a prescription or a medical certificate, for example. Find out before the trip what restrictions does the destination country apply to the import of medicines.
You can find information about import restrictions from:
The website of the customs or the medicines agency of the destination country.
The embassy or other representation of the destination country: a list of foreign representations in Finland can be found at the website of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
The website of UN International Narcotics Control Board provides country-specific information on the restrictions applied to medicines containing controlled substances
If you stay longer in the destination and the allowed amount of medicine is not enough you might have to get more in the destination. If a local prescription is required, bring a summary of your medication (e.g. a printed list of e-prescriptions from the My Kanta service) and your health information, such as diagnoses or a copy of a patient record, to the doctor’s office. A European prescription issued in Finland allows you to purchase prescription drugs in another EEA country or Switzerland. More information about the European prescription is available at the website of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.
If you consider sending medicines by post from Finland, please note that receipt of medicines by post might be prohibited in the destination country or restrictions may apply.
A Schengen certificate is required if you travel in the Schengen area and are carrying medicines that are classified as a narcotic (EU-healthcare). A Schengen certificate can be obtained at a pharmacy.
We recommend reading the traveller's health guide published by the National Institute for Health and Welfare.
When you return to Finland, consider the national restrictions on the import of medicines.