Assessment of pharmacotherapies (HTA)

Therapeutic and economic value (uusi)

Fimea produces and compiles assessments of the therapeutic and economic value of medicinal products and coordinates the related collaboration. The assessments summarize and evaluate research evidence on benefits, harms, costs and cost-effectiveness of medicinal products compared to other treatment options. Health technology assessment (HTA) approaches are used in the compilation and evaluation of the research evidence. The main purpose of the assessments is to inform decision-making.

The operations focus on the assessment of new hospital-only medicinal products. In addition, Fimea can produce different evaluations as well as assessment summaries and statements depending on the subject and purpose of the assessment. The assessed medicinal products must have a marketing authorization granted by Fimea or the European Commission.

In the assessment of medicinal products, Fimea cooperates with the Council for Choices in Health Care in Finland (COHERE Finland), the network of chief assessment physicians, the Finnish Coordinating Center for Health Technology Assessment (FinCCHTA), hospital districts, clinical experts and other national stakeholders. Fimea also engages in international assessment cooperation in the Joint Nordic HTA-bodies (JNHB) network.