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The Medicine Education Portal has been renewed


The Medicine Education Portal of Fimea, www.laakekasvatus.fi, has been renewed. The most important improvements have been made on the technical aspect of the service, as the site is now available also for mobile use. At the same time, the visual look has been clarified and the content is now illustrated by Tommi Bäckgren’s drawings. The content has been checked and grouped in an even more user-friendly manner.

Tools for teaching children the correct way of using medicine

Medicines education involves teaching children how to use medicines correctly. Medicines are an essential part of health care. Everyone has to use them at some stage of their life, and sometimes the use of medicines may even be vital. The Medicine Education Portal is intended to support basic education teachers in pharmaceutical education, and the material can also be used in upper secondary institutions.

Lääkekasvatus.fi contains ready-made exercises suitable for school children of different ages, as well as learning packages for basic education teachers to use in Finnish and Swedish. The assignments for classes from 7 to 9 can be also applied to secondary education, for example, in upper secondary schools. The pages also contain basic information for everyone about what medicine is, and how to use it properly. In addition, there is an information package about typical childhood illnesses in Finnish and Swedish.

You can succeed in the TroppiOppi game even with non-medical treatments

For school children, the page offers a TroppiOppi game in Finnish and in Swedish, in which you can be a virtual doctor and cure TroppiOppi patients from their various different ails. A pupil will have the opportunity to consider, for instance, what to do when their head aches or fever rises, and realise all the benefits of exercise and food.

In addition to the Finnish and Swedish versions, there is a limited version of the site in English.

Fimea introduces the new service to education professionals from 25 to 26 January 2019 at the Educa Fair at Messukeskus Helsinki.

Read more:

The Medicine Education Portal

Ask more

  • Katri Hämeen-Anttila, Head of Research and Development, tel. +358 29 522 3513
  • Päivi Kiviranta, Development Coordinator, tel. +358 29 522 3522
  • Email address format: [email protected]

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