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The Research Network for Rational Pharmacotherapy (RATTI) will convene on 5 June 2019 in Helsinki – do join us!


“Method competencies to meet the needs of medication safety and effectiveness research”

The Research Network for Rational Pharmacotherapy (RATTI) arranges a networking event on 5 June 2019 in Helsinki (Porthania, Yliopistonkatu 3) that aims to

  • identify method competencies to meet the needs of medication safety and effectiveness research, and

  • promote collaboration to increase method training.

The event is intended for healthcare organisations where experts in medication safety and effectiveness research are needed and for the training units that train such experts.

The event is moderated and started with a lecture given by Director Kenneth Shermock of the Johns Hopkins University, United States. Additionally, presentations on method competence needs from the points of view of different disciplines and the participants’ pitches will be heard in the event. The event will be held entirely in English.

Sign up for the networking event by 17 May 2019: https://www.webropolsurveys.com/S/F5ADBBEA36C229A2.par

Pitching opportunities in the networking event

The pitching topics are method competence needs from the points of view of the participating organisations and/or the resources that can be utilised in method training.

Do this:

  • Indicate the topic of your pitch when signing up.

  • The pitches must also be held in English.

  • You may use Power Point slides or talk without them.

  • You will have a maximum of three minutes. After that, your talk will be interrupted.

  • In your pitch, you can describe method competence needs from the point of view of your own organisation, tell about the resources that can be utilised in method training – or talk about both.

Answer the brief survey: what method competence needs your organisation has, what kind of experts do you need?

The survey also maps out the resources that can be utilised in method training. The survey serves as background material in the networking event. The responses can be freely utilised after the event for method training development purposes by all interested training units.

Answer the brief survey by 10 May 2019: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/97707/lomake.html

Research strategy for rational pharmacotherapy serving as the basis for the operation of the network

The operation of the RATTI research network is based on the Research Strategy for Rational Pharmacotherapy. Prepared as part of the Rational Pharmacotherapy Action Plan of the current Government Programme, the research strategy was published together with the other reports prepared under the action plan.

The network is open for all. The best way to join the operations is to participate in the discussion on the network’s LinkedIn group and by subscribing to the newsletter.

Read more

Networking event on 5 June 2019 in Helsinki, programme (pdf)

Research Network for Rational Pharmacotherapy (RATTI) LinkedIn group

Subscribe to the RATTI network newsletter

Effective use of research data: Research strategy for rational pharmacotherapy 2018–2022 (Institutional Repository for the Government)

Ask more

  • Katri Hämeen-Anttila, Head of Research and Development, tel. +358 29 522 3513
  • E-mail address format: [email protected]

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