
Tällä hakulomakkeella voit hakea tiettyä lääkettä tai lääkeainetta, tai luoda listoja haluamillasi tarkemmilla hakuehdoilla.

Tällä hakulomakkeella voit hakea tiettyä lääkettä tai lääkeainetta, tai luoda listoja haluamillasi tarkemmilla hakuehdoilla.


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Myyntiluvallisten valmisteiden tarkemmat hakuehdot


High-Risk Medicines Classification

Detailed search condition·(show only)

Classification (show only)

Marketing Authorisations


The Finnish Medicines Agency Fimea makes every effort to ensure that the information is accurate and up to date, but individual errors can occur.

Availability information labels (EN) 

Parallel Distribution 

A parallel distribution product is a medicinal product that has been granted a marketing authorisation through the centralised procedure of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and that is parallel-distributed in Finland by some other distributor than the original company that was granted the marketing authorisation. Fimea does not receive shortage information of these products under section 27 of the Medicines Act (395/1987) unless a parallel distributor submits the information to Fimea voluntarily. For this reason, the availability information of these products is uncertain. 

Uncertain Availability 

Fimea adds the Uncertain Availability label to a medicinal product in a situation where Fimea has become aware of a possible shortage of a medicinal product, but the marketing authorisation holder has not submitted a shortage notification. A medicinal product with the Uncertain Availability label may not meet demand.