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International #MedSafetyWeek campaign to take place 6–12 November 2023

30.10.2023 | Published in English on 30.10.2023 at 13.34

Fimea is once again involved in the annual international #MedSafetyWeek campaign, the aim of which is to encourage the reporting of adverse drug reactions and participation in improving pharmaceutical safety. 

The communication campaign will be visible on social media between 6 and 12 November 2023 and will involve national pharmacovigilance authorities from 85 different countries and their stakeholders around the world. The campaign is led by the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC).

In 2023, the campaign’s theme is "Who can report?" emphasises the key role of patients, doctors, nurses and pharmacists in reporting adverse drug reactions and each person’s contribution to improving pharmaceutical safety. 

Adverse drug reaction reports are an important tool in pharmacovigilance activities aimed at identifying, assessing and preventing adverse reactions. Reporting of adverse drug reactions is voluntary and can be done by a health care professional, a consumer or a family member. Adverse reaction reports reflect the observations and opinions of the person making the report and do not mean that there is a confirmed link between the drug and the observed adverse reaction.

As the aim of the reporting system is to detect signals, i.e. indications of potential new adverse reactions, it is particularly important to report a suspected adverse reaction that is serious or unexpected, i.e. it is not listed in the package leaflet of the medicinal product. It is not necessary to report any known adverse reactions described in the package leaflet.

For more information about this campaign, please visit the campaign website MedSafetyWeek UMC.

During the campaign week, Fimea will share posts on its social media accounts on LinkedIn and X with the hashtag #MedSafetyWeek.

Get ready for #MedSafetyWeek 6–12 November 2023.

Read more:

Adverse drug reactions 

Submitting a report on an adverse drug reaction

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