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Rational pharmacotherapy research seminar, 21 August - register by 10th August


The research network for rational pharmacotherapy will convene for a joint and open seminar on 21 August that is intended for all those researchers whose research interests relate to rational pharmacotherapy and who are interested in networking opportunities.

The theme of the seminar is “Rational medicine use within the social and healthcare systems: Effective use of Research Data”, and it will be arranged on 21 August 2018 from 9 am to 4 pm at the Finnish Medicines Agency Fimea (Mannerheiminte 103, 1st floor), Helsinki, Finland. It is also possible to follow a webcast of the seminar, until the coffee break, in Fimea’s premises in Kuopio (Microkatu 1). The morning program is the English while the afternoon will continue in Finnish.

In the morning we will hear two presentations:

  • Professor Alan Lyles, University of Baltimore: International perspective on High cost medicines – how to make them affordable
  • Professor Heikki Ruskoaho, University of Helsinki: Finnish perspective on High cost medicines – how to make them affordable

An important part of the seminar will be networking and discussion on the meaning and focus of the research network for rational pharmacotherapy: what kind of operations would best serve the researchers working on the subject?

In addition to the commentary addresses requested from various stakeholders, researchers and research groups will have an opportunity to present their lines of research in the form of a three-minute pitch. The objective is to provide an overview of the research carried out in the field of rational pharmacotherapy in various disciplines in order to promote networking and collaboration. We encourage the participants to bring with them any material they consider best for the purposes of networking and in the presentation of their own research.

Researchers and research groups:
In the seminar, you will be given the opportunity to make a short pitch about your research. To do this:

  • Indicate the topic of your pitch when registering.
  • You may use Power Point slides or talk without them.
  • Pitch talks may be in Finnish or English.
  • You will have a maximum of three minutes. After that, your talk will be interrupted.
  • The purpose is not to present the results of a specific study but present the research topics in general terms,  as well as the investigators or group's research methodological expertise.
  • Pitch talks will not be broadcast or published online as a recording.

Mark the date in your calendar, register for the seminar and join us for new networking opportunities!

The conference venue will accommodate up to 100 people on a first come first served basis. You may sign up for the actual seminar in Helsinki or to watch the webcast in Kuopio.

Registrations by 10 August 2018

It is also possible to follow a webcast of the seminar online, until the coffee break, without separate registration. The link will be published on the Fimea website prior to the opening of the event.

Research strategy for rational pharmacotherapy serving as the basis for the operation of the network

The operation of the research network for rational pharmacotherapy was started towards the end of 2017. The operation of the research network is based on the Research strategy for rational pharmacotherapy. Prepared as part of the Rational Pharmacotherapy Action Plan of the current Government Programme, the research strategy was published together with the other reports prepared under the action plan.

The network is open for new participants and can be joined by sending e-mail to Head of Research and Development Katri Hämeen-Anttila. A combined description of the personal data file and privacy statement concerning the personal data file generated for the research network for rational pharmacotherapy can be found from the Fimea website.

Read more:

Rational medicine use within the social and healthcare systems: Effective use of Research Data – Seminar programme (pdf)

Effective use of research data: Research strategy for rational pharmacotherapy 2018–2022 (Institutional Repository for the Government)

Publications and reports of the Rational Pharmacotherapy Action Plan (Ministry of Social Affairs and Health) (in Finnish)

Descriptions of the personal data files maintained by Fimea (in Finnish)


Ask more

  • Katri Hämeen-Anttila, Head of Research and Development, tel. +358 29 522 3513
  • Johanna Jyrkkä, Researcher, tel. +358 29 522 3514
  • E-mail address format: [email protected]

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