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Research network provides added effectiveness, multidisciplinarity and competence to pharmacotherapies


The research seminar on rational pharmacotherapy gathered nearly 60 researchers who are conducting research on the topic or are otherwise interested in it. During the day, the operation of the network established during the Rational Pharmacotherapy Action Plan was discussed and networking between researchers in the field was enabled. The morning session was chaired in English by Professor Marja Airaksinen of the University of Helsinki, and the afternoon session by Head of Research and Development Katri Hämeen-Anttila of Fimea in Finnish.

The day started with lectures by two keynote speakers discussing the accessibility of high-cost medicines. In his address, Professor Alan Lyles noted that price, after all, is a bad indicator for the therapeutic value of a medicine. The importance of the therapeutic value of a medicine was also pointed out in Professor Heikki Ruskoaho’s address. Both presentations emphasised the need for research on the effectiveness of pharmacotherapies and pharmacotherapy processes in healthcare. The seminar is available for viewing as a video recording.

The commentary addresses discussed the value and significance of the network

In the seminar, commentary addresses discussing the significance of the network and its operation in the future were heard from the representatives of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, healthcare services, the Social Insurance Institution of Finland Kela, the University of Eastern Finland and the pharmaceutical industry. The research network was seen as an important and valuable instrument in building collaboration. The operation of the network will enhance the multidisciplinary nature and competence as well as recognition and effectiveness of the research conducted in the field.

The commentary addresses emphasised the follow-up of the effectiveness of the steps taken and the integration of research as part of the general development of the social welfare and healthcare system. A shift from research that identifies and describes problems to that which seeks solutions was welcomed. Several commentary addresses also emphasised the fact that the network can provide support in communicating research results to decision-makers and the general public.

The pitching session presented the research conducted in the field of rational pharmacotherapy

Researchers had the opportunity to register to make ‘pitch’ on their research topic in the seminar, in response to which a total of 13 researchers talked briefly about their ongoing research projects.

Several researchers had taken up the challenge to address the problems in pharmacotherapy or were engaged in the study of the pharmacotherapy of the elderly. The topics also included those that linked future technological development with pharmacotherapy. The topics of ongoing research also included medication safety as well as the evaluation of the effects of pharmacopolitical decisions and health economical evaluation of health technologies. The operation of the Medicines Information Network research working group and Fimea’s operation as the conductor of research in the field of rational pharmacotherapy were briefly presented as well.

Ideas for the operation of the network

During the day, ideas were invited – and received – on what kind of actions would best promote collaboration and networking. To enable discussion and collaboration, it was hoped that various kinds of meetings would be arranged in the future as well. Additionally, it was noted that a special channel was needed to enable the sharing of research data and discussion and collaboration within the network. To address this need, it was decided to set up a LinkedIn group for the network.

To join the research network, send e-mail to Katri Hämeen-Anttila. You are welcome to also give feedback on the seminar.

Link to the feedback survey (in Finnish)


Welcome to the seminar
Ulla Närhi, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (pdf)

High cost medicines – how to make them affordable
Alan Lyles, Professor, University of Baltimore: international perspective (pdf)
Heikki Ruskoaho, Professor, University of Helsinki: Finnish perspective (pdf)

Research network for rational pharmacotherapy
Katri Hämeen-Anttila, Head of Research and Development, Fimea (pdf, in Finnish)

Commentary addresses:
Heidi Tahvanainen, Senior Specialist, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (pdf, in Finnish)
Johanna Tulonen-Tapio, Medical Director, Outpatient Health Care, South Karelia Health Centre, South Karelia Social and Health Care District (Eksote) (pdf, in Finnish)
Leena Saastamoinen,  Senior Researcher, Kela (Social Insurance Institution of Finland) (pdf, in Finnish)
Katri Vehviläinen-Julkunen, Professor, University of Eastern Finland (pdf, in Finnish)
Nadia Tamminen, Analyst, Pharma Industry Finland (PIF) (pdf, in Finnish)

Ask more

  • Katri Hämeen-Anttila, Head of Research and Development, tel. +358 29 522 3513
  • Hanna-Mari Jauhonen, Research Physician, tel. +358 29 522 3512
  • Johanna Jyrkkä, Researcher, tel. +358 29 522 3514
  • Email address format: [email protected]

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